Bubbles: The Tech-Whale’s Blunder

Deep beneath the waves, far from the prying eyes of the surface world, lies a hidden cavern, vast and mysterious. This is the secret lair of the Blue Whales of Death, an underwater realm where the largest creatures of the sea plot their unlikely quests for global domination.

Characters from the Story


Bubbles, the protagonist of our tale, is not your average blue whale. He’s larger than most, with a curious gleam in his eye and a flipper always ready to fiddle with some gadget. Renowned within the society for his technological prowess, Bubbles is nevertheless known for his clumsiness, often leading to comical mishaps.

The Leader

Commanding the respect of all, the Leader of the Blue Whales of Death is a formidable figure. With a scar shaped like a world map, he is the mastermind behind their grandiose plans. His deep, resonating voice and imposing presence command attention whenever he speaks.

Other Whale Members

A diverse group of whales, each with their unique characteristics, forms the rest of the society. They range from the stealthy and secretive to the boisterous and bold, but all share the common goal of aiding in their society’s far-fetched schemes for world domination.

Bubbles’ New Invention

The Meeting: A Whale of a Plan

In the cavernous, echo-y expanse of the underwater lair, the Blue Whales of Death convene. They float like massive, thoughtful blimps, each pondering their role in the grand scheme of global domination. The Leader, with a scar that looks suspiciously like a failed geography quiz, unfurls the latest master plan: hijacking human naval communications. It’s an idea so bold, it could only come from a whale with a world map on his face.

Bubbles’ Moment: Genius or Fluke?

Enter Bubbles, the tech wizard of the deep, maneuvering through his peers like a submarine with dubious steering. Clumsy yet charismatic, he presents his pièce de résistance: a sonar device so advanced, it could probably run a small city or at least confuse one. This isn’t just any gadget; it’s a marvel of whale engineering, capable of intercepting and scrambling human naval signals. Bubbles, in his unparalleled enthusiasm, describes its intricacies, blissfully unaware that half his audience is still trying to figure out how he built it with flippers.

The Approval: The Leap into the Unknown

The Leader, after a moment of contemplation that could be mistaken for a nap, gives a nod that sets the whole plan into motion. It’s a nod of approval, intrigue, and perhaps a hint of “What could possibly go wrong?” After all, entrusting the fate of their grand operation to a whale who once accidentally called a pod of dolphins for tech support is nothing short of daring. The council bubbles (pun intended) with excitement, and Bubbles swells with pride, his big whale heart ready to dive into the uncharted waters of high-tech espionage – or at least, make a splash trying.

The Field Test

The Mission: A Whale’s Errand

With a gadget that might as well have been labeled “Do Not Push The Big Red Button,” Bubbles, our flipper-handed tech genius, embarks on the mission. Flanked by a few whale associates, who frankly look as baffled by technology as a squid at a ballet, they set off. Their destination? A human naval base, unsuspecting of the cetacean shenanigans about to unfold.

The Blunder: Premature Activation

In a turn of events as surprising as finding out your goldfish can sing opera, Bubbles, quivering with excitement, accidentally activates the device prematurely. The gadget, designed for stealth and cunning, responds to this untimely nudge with the subtlety of a marching band in a library. Lights flicker, sonar waves dance chaotically, and Bubbles realizes, perhaps a tad too late, that “Oops” might be the understatement of the century.

Unexpected Consequences: Confusion at Sea

The device, now having a whale of a time, sends out a symphony of bizarre sounds and signals, turning the naval base into a scene straight out of an underwater sci-fi disco. Sailors scratch their heads, radar screens look like abstract art, and somewhere, a confused octopus is probably taking notes for its next party.

Amidst this oceanic opera of errors, Bubbles and his crew, in a state that can best be described as “bewildered regret,” watch as their high-tech escapade turns into a nautical comedy show. It’s a scene of aquatic absurdity, where the lines between espionage and slapstick become as blurred as the vision of a squid in a whirlpool.

As the human naval forces try to decipher this unexpected undersea concert, one thing becomes clear: when a whale with a penchant for technology tries to play spy, the world is in for a splash of unexpected hilarity.

The Aftermath

The Retreat: Underwater Exodus

In the wake of their sonar serenade, Bubbles and his motley crew of marine mammals make a hasty and somewhat flustered retreat. It’s a scene reminiscent of a group of kids caught launching spitballs in class, only much, much bigger and with more flippers. As the human naval forces begin their investigation, with a mix of confusion and curiosity, our aquatic adventurers beat a swift and splashy retreat back to the depths, leaving behind a wake of bewilderment and unanswered questions.

The Debrief: Confessions of a Tech-Whale

Back in the safety of their cavernous lair, where the only sonar is the echo of their own whale songs, Bubbles faces the Leader. There’s a moment where you could hear a krill drop – the anticipation is palpable. Bubbles, with the grace of a ballerina in a china shop, recounts the tale of the tech fiasco. The Leader listens, his expression as unreadable as a squid playing poker. Then, surprisingly, a rumble starts deep within him – he’s laughing! Yes, the Leader of the Blue Whales of Death finds the humor in this aquatic misadventure. Perhaps it’s the absurdity of it all, or maybe he just enjoys a good underwater blooper.

Silver Lining: Accidental Fame

As the ripples of their escapade reach the surface, news reports start bubbling up about the strange day at the naval base. Tales of mysterious sounds, dancing radar screens, and confused sailors make headlines, tickling the fancy of conspiracy theorists and ocean enthusiasts alike. The Blue Whales of Death, previously just a whisper in the marine grapevine, become the stuff of legend. In a world where a cat video can go viral, why not a group of technologically inclined, world-domination-plotting whales? They become an enigma, a nautical mystery that captivates the imagination of the surface world, turning their blunder into a bizarre badge of honor among those who prefer their news with a pinch of salt(water).


Reflection: A Whale’s Learning Curve

In the quiet aftermath, Bubbles, our whale-sized tech enthusiast, floats a bit lower in the water, his enthusiasm dampened like a wet sponge. The mishap had been more spectacular than a fireworks display in a submarine. But as the bubbles of his blunder rise to the surface, a realization dawns on him – the importance of testing and, perhaps, a bit of patience. It’s a moment of introspection, a rare pause in the usually frenetic pace of his mind. Yes, even in the vast and forgiving ocean, mistakes can make quite the splash.

Foreshadowing: The Next Big Wave

Just when Bubbles starts to feel like his tech dreams might sink like a lead anchor, the Leader, with a twinkle in his eye that could outshine bioluminescent plankton, hints at a new plan. It involves, much to Bubbles’ delight and the mild terror of his peers, his technological expertise. The wheels (or should we say, fins) are already turning in Bubbles’ head, ideas bubbling up like a hydrothermal vent. The stage is set for future underwater escapades, where technology and tail fins meet in plots that are as ambitious as they are absurd.

Closing Scene: The Tinkerer at Work

In the final scene, we catch a glimpse of Bubbles in his element, surrounded by gadgets, gizmos, and thingamajigs of his own creation. His latest project is underway, and though the details are murky, one thing is clear – his determination is as unwavering as a barnacle on a ship’s hull. Clumsy? Absolutely. But as he fumbles with a tool, sending a small screw floating off into the blue, his resolve remains steadfast. After all, in the vast and unpredictable ocean, where a school of fish can change direction in a heartbeat, who’s to say a whale can’t be a tech genius? With a flipper full of ambition and a head full of dreams, Bubbles is ready to dive into the next chapter of his unconventional journey.

The Secret Society of the Blue Whales of Death – A Tale of Fins, Folly, and World Domination

Greetings, dear readers, and brace yourselves for an aquatic tale so outlandishly absurd, it could only be true in a world where reality has taken a long vacation. I’m thrilled to introduce a series of short stories that will plunge you into the depths of the ocean and the heights of absurdity: “The Blue Whales of Death.”

Yes, you read that right. These aren’t your run-of-the-mill, gentle giants serenely cruising the ocean’s vast expanse. Oh no. These are Blue Whales with ambition, with a thirst for… world domination! It’s as if they looked at their enormous size and thought, “Surely, we’re meant for more than just being big and blue!”

Imagine, if you will, a secret society formed deep beneath the waves, in a cavernous underwater lair that makes your average Bond villain’s hideout look like a garden shed. Here, in this briny boardroom, the Blue Whales of Death plot their aquatic ascent to global rule. Their leader, a particularly massive whale with a scar shaped suspiciously like a world map, conducts meetings with a deep, sonorous voice that sends ripples across the oceans.

Their plans? Outrageous. One week it’s using sonar to intercept submarine communications, the next it’s training an army of jellyfish to sabotage beach holidays. They’ve even tried synchronised swimming routines so mesmerising, they hoped it would hypnotize world leaders. Alas, their lack of opposable thumbs and general whale-sized inconveniences have led to a series of comic misadventures and foiled plots.

In this series, you’ll encounter characters like Bubbles, the tech-savvy whale who’s a whiz with underwater gadgets but can’t seem to stop accidentally activating them with his flippers. Or Whisper, the spy who’s anything but inconspicuous, considering she’s, well, a gigantic whale.

Together, we’ll ride the waves of their hilariously bungled attempts at world domination, from their misunderstood attempts to communicate with humans (turns out whale song doesn’t translate well into human politics) to their efforts to infiltrate maritime organizations (ever seen a whale in a disguise? It’s not pretty).

So, dear readers, prepare to dive into a world where the biggest creatures in the ocean have the biggest ambitions and the smallest amount of common sense. It’s a splashy, silly, and utterly sea-rious adventure into the depths of imagination. Stay tuned for our first story, where we’ll witness the Blue Whales of Death accidentally crash an international surfing competition. It’s bound to be a whale of a time!

writing about giant blue whales of death
Giant Blue Whales of Death in the writer’s imagination – how to draw a sunset.

Returning to Fortnite

Much earlier this year, I got tired of Fortnite and quit. Looks like a lot of people did because the game’s popularity tanked after this Summer. However, the new “Chapter” is here: Chapter 2 and I decided to return to Fortnite at give it another go.

The game is completely updated from the original one and you play on a brand-new island. You can watch the Launch Trailer from Chapter 2 here to get an idea of how much is different on the new island.

Here I am fresh off my drop from the Battle Bus onto the new island. I’m still getting my bearings, so the goal is to stay low and seek cover.


Well, that was the plan until I found the speedboat and decided to take it for a spin around the lake!

Speedboats in Fortnite: Wheeeeee!

As the storm closed in and shrank the playing field, I found myself in a very different looking Retail Row. I checked the HUD and realized there were only two players left alive. It was time to find the other one!

Got him! Victory Royale. Not bad for my first match of the new Chapter.

And that’s that for the first match I played in Chapter 2.

For now, I need to play a lot more to get a better feel of Chapter 2 in Fortnite. But so far, it looks like it will be a lot of fun!

Fortnite Event – Retail Row and Tilted Towers Destroyed

Fortnite’s Unvaulted Event, its first live event for the nearly-finished Season 8 just wrapped up yesterday and it had a big impact.

Tiltled Towers and Retail Row were both heavily destroyed by lava and rocks that spewed forth from the volcano on the island.

You can read more about the Titled Towers destruction here. There are also a lot of videos on YouTube that captured the event as it went down. It looked pretty epic and I’m bummed that I missed it.


Making Minecraft More Fun with Skins


Skins in Minecraft make the game more individualized and fun to play.

Skins are split into areas that become the surface section of the character (for instance, the head and front of your body, leg areas, etc.). You can only utilize solid colors in skins; transparency doesn’t work on the main layer and only is utilized in the second layer, which is usually transparent by default; playing offline, pixels could be left free leading to “holes” in your skin.

If a skin with transparent pixels on the 1st layer is usually uploaded, the transparent pixels will render as dark pixels in-game. The next layer can be utilized to give the type glasses, hats, or additional accessories (a good bigger head).

Skins are a fantastic way to truly standout in multiplayer play on Minecraft servers.

Skins aren’t simply for the player avatars. A skin may also refer to additional textures in the overall game, such as for example block textures, item sprites, mob skins, etc.

It is well worth noting that zombie and zombie pigmen mobs may use typical participant skins (and vice-versa). Skeleton mobs may use typical participant skins aswell, but remember that they possess their skinny legs and arms. (If a skeleton mob pores and skin is utilized as a player’s pores and skin, their arms and legs will never be skinny.)

In order to utilize the player pores and skin for zombies and zombie pigmen you need to align it to the right put on the .png or the consistency will be broken.

Changing / installing player skins

Java Edition

A participant can only just alter their character’s pores and skin if indeed they have purchased Minecraft. That is carried out on the Profile web page by uploading a valid .png image document (note: .jpg documents will be accepted), that may then replace the default skin.

Skins also have the choice of having three or four pixel wide hands, which may be changed on the profile web page as well.

The steve.png and alex.png documents in minecraft.jar may also be changed and replaced with a resource pack, however the effects is only going to be noticeable to players using the source pack, and can affect almost all players with the default skin.

Console Edition

There are 16 default skin types (apart from your skin packs), 8 which derive from the Steve model and the other 8 predicated on the Alex model, wearing different outfits and skin colors. The skins can be found to be selected in the ‘Change Skin’ region of Help & Choices. The Console Edition enables transparent skins, since the participant cannot create their personal skins. This prevents problems with completely transparent pores and skin users “haunting” additional players. The participant can add custom made skins to the system editions via hacking; nevertheless, this will void the guarantee of the system, and the player dangers a ban from either Xbox Live or PlayStation Network for an illicitly modded video game or console.

Bedrock Edition

Since early versions of the Pocket Edition, Players may select among the two default skins either Alex or Steve, and may apply their own custom made pores and skin. (Uses the same file format as the Java edition). The player must decide on a valid skin picture from their picture library, and will after that be prompted to select between your two main versions. Players may also buy pores and skin packs which cost $0.99 USD each. Those pores and skin packs are the following: FestiveMashup2016 pores and skin pack, Campfire Tales, the Minecon pores and skin pack, Villains, Biome Settlers Pack 2, Story Setting Skin Pack, Redstone Professionals, Trip To The West, Vacation Pores and skin Pack 2015, Biome Settlers Pack 1, costumes, City Folk, and City Folk.

Skin packs

Skin Packs can be found in the System Edition and in the Bedrock Edition as downloadable content material. Skin Packs add extra skins that players may select from combined with the 16 default skins (2 in Bedrock Edition) packaged with the overall game. They often times feature characters from additional video gaming, alongside original designs.


Creating a skin

Many players want a new appearance, something describes them. When you can usually search the web for a previously produced skin, many players choose to create their personal.

A custom pores and skin is a great method to personalize your participant model and can be achieved either by utilizing a variety of community-made pores and skin editors, or by editing the “steve.png” document manually with a graphic editor like Photoshop, GIMP, Paint.net or comparable picture editors. When editing the “steve.png” document manually, make sure to keep carefully the original picture dimensions and help to make the background of your skin (the unused pixels) completely transparent. Normally, Minecraft may neglect to recognize your skin as intended.

Alternatively, some people think it is easier to use an application, possibly downloadable or in-browser, that may allow them to possess a live view of their character about a 3d model because they are editing the skin. For instance, an application known as Skincraft will further aid players by giving them with a multitude of pre-made selections (such as for example hats, shoes, sweaters, etc.), to provide the skin creator precisely what they want, actually if the creator offers little to no creative skill.

After generating a custom skin, either by utilizing a skin editor or by editing the “steve.png” file directly, 1 will still have to upload the .png document at the Profile web page on Minecraft.net prior to the pores and skin is applied. Once finished, set up Minecraft and appreciate your new skin! Additional players in multiplayer may also be capable to observe your skin layer. Note that you won’t have the ability to see your custom made skin in case you are not really logged in or if playing offline.

Notice: the 1.8 templates can be utilized for pre-1.8 skins on your skin server. Only the very best half of the picture can be used, e.g. not really the individual legs and arms on the bottom, no overlay on any coating except the top. If the skins is usually in source pack for 1.7, you need to utilize the old system exactly.

Homeschool, Batman and Monkeys

Today when I logged into WordPress, it had the following suggestions for searching through the “billions” of posts on WordPress.com.

Homeschool, Batman, Monkeys

I thought that was an interesting combination. I’m trying to think of a scenario where those three would fit together. In my case it’s relevant because I was homeschooled, I love The Batman, and who doesn’t love Monkeys?

In totally unrelated news, I found a few alternatives to Couchtuner recently so that I could keep watching/streaming my favorite tv shows and movies while traveling abroad.

I should catch up on the Batman movies. I guess I mean re-watch because I have seen them all before.

Minecraft Maps Make the Game More Fun

Minecraft maps are custom created worlds that players create and save within the Minecraft game. They more often than not entail a quest to move from one point to a different, following certain restrictions.

As a result, great Minecraft maps can be anything ranging from an excellent role playing expedition that immerses a player right into a great storyline to an interesting puzzle map that puts to the test your problem solving skills.

The maps just present endless possibilities, the sole limitation probably being your imagination. Astonishingly, everyone can create incredibly unique worlds below is a comprehensive guide about how to install Minecraft and create excellent custom maps that are exceptional. Some people spend a lot of their free time creating highly detailed Minecraft maps.


Have you ever played Minecraft? It’s an insanely popular game that sells 10,000 copies per day!

Minecraft maps are custom created worlds that are saved within Minecraft games. They will have never-ending possibilities from playing adventure giving you a chance to try various activities that range, to resolution puzzle maps that examine your problem solving skills among other activities. The only real limiting factor as it pertains to these maps can be your personal imagination – you share with everyone and can produce your own Minecraft universe within these maps. Would you want to know the best way to play with these games? Then you certainly may want to attempt Minecraft venture maps, if you’re the adventurous sort. Let’s learn!


The Minecraft PC version is Java-based, and you also could play on Linux any Mac or Windows machine provided you’ve software and installed appropriate hardware. This game is sophisticated, while Minecraft appears to be simple, beneath the surface. The procedural formation of the game and in-game physics requires beefy hardware. As a result, the variation has a lengthy demo that its designers highly recommend using purchasing to establish in case your personal computer has everything it requires to love experience that is Minecraft.

Start with registering for an account totally free and play with the devil or to purchasing a replica of the sport, go directly. Signing up is fairly simple; you only provide a valid email and also a password(which you create). A verification e-mail from your programmer prompts one to confirm your email. On clicking on the confirmation link, it takes one to the next phase of the sign up procedure: purchasing the game and setting up a username.

Now proceed to download and install the game.

OK, Let’s Make Some Maps

Create the landscape; there are several methods to making a wonderful picture including;

World Edit, a portion of the SPC (Single Player Commands) mod gives you the ability to change and form the terrain from in the game. It, nonetheless, requires some quantity of studying curve.

Another product that’s an oldie but a goodie is MC Edit (short, of course, for Minecraft Editor). It’s a little clunky, but it’s a free open source software that enables you to upgrade your current world. It has several fundamental features such as the ability to utilize some MC edit attributes to execute an array of things.

Voxel Sniper is a very powerful instrument when terraforming your world you could use. This system isn’t just versatile but also serves as a great compliment to World Edit.



Creating Minecraft Adventure Maps

These adventure maps supply one with experiences that are more about fighting, researching and finding out new things. They may be more about puzzles, traps and secrets which you have to be conscious of before beginning the match. Moreover, you must set and follow rules and specific settings concerning the game as a way to ensure you do n’t break any rules when you begin playing.

However, the good news about this map is the fact that a few are made to support multiplayers. In the event that you like business while playing, Minecraft venture maps are certain to get your needs taken care of.

Tips about developing a good Minecraft adventure map

In case you would like to produce a successful and good map, you need certainly to do the following.

Keep it interesting by being creative since people are interested by initial, creative new gameplay features such as for example creatures, manager fights amongst others.

Ensure that you examine your map before you release it out there. Have a couple folks test it for you since even the slightest error can screw up the entire map.

To get more downloads; ensure that the builds and your map comes with an appealing landscape along with the terraforming look excellent.

By adding particles more custom sounds and unique abilities, customize your map.

Make a plausible start for example by explaining why you set out -the-world adventure. Additionally, ensure that you’ve got a well thought out ending that doesn’t sound overly cliché.

The best way to play with Minecraft maps

Would you know the best way to play with these games? Well, it’s easy! You need to follow these steps if you should be utilizing an android device for example;

First download and install a file manager that supports archive files. This file manager will enable you to extract map files and copy them to your Minecraft folder afterwards.

Then download the map file and make certain that it is for Minecraft PE and never for the computer version. In addition, ensure the map you’ve downloaded fits the PE variant you’ve got.

By tapping on it, open the downloaded map archive. This will definitely show the information of the zip empowering one to see a folder that has a name.

From your menu, select copy. This option will copy the folder letting you paste it everywhere you favor.

In precisely the same place you found the download folder, navigate the games folder on your own foundation directory.

Next, open the folder named com.mojang and then proceed and open the minecraftworlds folder.

Next, press and hold a spot that is clean and then choose paste substitute for paste the new map folder onto the folder that is minecraftsworlds.

Now you’ve got a fresh game. Begin the Minecraft PE that you created earlier on and select the map that is new. This map will be listed on your saved games. Open it, play and revel in the game!



Playing with Minecraft Parkour Maps

Parkour is usually used in user maps, together with on servers in a variety of competitions. The goal of parkour is to jump on blocks to the end of the parkour route.

New maps on a lot of fan sites you will get for Parkour in Minecraft. There is also a thorough description of every map. Visit just proven sites using a large audience, where presence of files is minimal.

Although Parkour in Minecraft is not actually quite popular, there are various maps of various levels of complexity, and players compete among themselves who’ll pass the map. There are maps on which you can set an alternate level of difficulty, as well as there are several paths from the simplest ones to the most difficult ones.

In addition to various levels of problem, the themes of parkour maps are completely distinct. You climb and can leap in rainforests mountains, pirate ships, tall towers, and skyscrapers. There are, of course, amounts and with a simple design. If you have some issues Walkthroughs of some maps is found on YouTube.

Anteroom. A reception is a room when the player appears on the first visit to a map. In the reception, there are typically a couple of tables that indicate the creator and his contacts, map rules of the card as well as in some instances desirable graphics settings. Sometimes in a lobby are chests with food, weapons plus some other things necessary for satisfying the map.

Soaring blocks. With them, you have to get to your own goal. For additional difficulties are used ice blocks, or gratings, glass panels (as grids), stairs, fences and cobblestone walls.

Slime and water blocks. Your autumn, water softens, and lava, on the contrary, kills you. A slime block is used for high jumps as well as for absorbing damage from falling.

Sand of spirits. A player impedes. A player will probably be even more slowed down in the event that you set ice under the sand of spirits.

Cactus. You are required to jump on Cacti’ tops quickly, since by contact with all the cactus every half -second, 1 life point is lost. They may also be utilized in a mixture with powerful water flows.

Checkpoints. They may be generally symbolized as water blocked with a piston: it activates the lever along with the water pours down when a player jumps on this type of mechanism. He can climb up the stream of water, and never beginning all over again in case a player falls. Additionally a checkpoint could be signified in the kind of a command block that sets player’s renaissance point at certain coordinates.

Room that is final. It isn’t present on all maps. This room player enters after finishing the map. Normally, you can discover a reward here.

To complete a parkour map you have to conquer most of the obstacles in your course. To get this done you have to train yourself to leap farther and quicker. Some professionals play with parkour maps .

Begin playing parkour maps that are light and after a while, you’ll be capable of complete ones that are more difficult. We recommend that you to download a map where are several routes with different complexity are represented in a one time.

Screenshot Tips and Tricks for Mac and Windows

Taking Screenshots on your own Mac or Windows computer is very simple. On Windows, all you have to do is press the Print Screen key and you have a complete screenshot of everything on your own screen. On the Mac, press Command + Shift + 3 and you get exactly the same. There are some more complicated instructions for taking the keyboard shortcut of Command, although different kinds of Mac screenshots Cmd + Shift + 3 is all you need.

But what if you need more? Better arrange them? Need to unite them before you share them or make basic image edits? This can be where a screenshot that is dedicated tool or app comes in quite handy. Below are some of the very best ones that you can download and use.

Snipping Tool

Snipping Tool fits into an ideal niche for many users. It comes with Windows 7 and later and is free. For those who don’t desire high powered screen capture tools, the basic functionality of Snipping Tool enables you to get individual windows, the whole screen, or user-defined capture regions. Snipping Tool even offers editing functions that are incredibly basic, like the ability to highlight and write on your own screen captures. It lacks the advanced features included in other screen capture tools, but it does a terrific job filling the gap between the frustrating Print Screen and Paste fashion screen capture in much more complex applications and earlier versions of Windows. Snipping Tool is a sound choice should you’ve already got it on your own system and your screen capture needs are minimal.

FastStone Capture

FastStone Capture lives up to the quick in its name; this application is lightweight and extremely receptive. Within the tiny user interface is a screen recording workhorse, although it doesn’t have an interface that is large. FastStone Capture can record regions multiple windows, and multilevel menus. It’s possible for you to set it send them by e-mail to automatically upload screenshots to an FTP server, or embed them into Power Point presentation or a Word. In addition, this flexible tool carries a basic but very powerful screencasting software which supports sound input signal. FastStone Capture could be set to automatically prompt your for a caption with preset options, helping to make mass-making screenshots a snap. Another little but helpful feature is the integrated color picker for colour that is easy sampling.


Jing is the spartan baby brother of another screenshot application, Snagit, each of which are products made by software company TechSmith. Jing fills a niche in the screen capture crowd, allowing people who would like to share their screen captures to do so as fast as you can. Once you’ve set it up, going from getting a screenshot or screencast to sharing the URL for your hosted file takes a matter of seconds. Jing has basic annotation tools, but the true draw is speedy sharing.


Skitch is a screen capture tool in exactly the same vein as Jing. Skitch the application is closely tied to Skitch.com, the screen capture hosting website. Your screen is captured by Skitch, annotates it, draws with swanky graphics on it, and is as easy as saving it for your desktop when you’re ready, sharing it online. In the event you don’t need to use Skitch.com to share your screenshots, you can just as easily use your own FTP, Flickr, or .Mac account. The interface of Skitch is especially user friendly; nearly all the editing functions are laid out in a ring all around your screen capture, which makes it easy to discover the tool you’re looking for.


Snagit is far taken from the classic Print Screen school of screen captures as possible. Snagit can help you catch frames from video and capture both still images. You are able to get your whole screen or regions of it, and thanks to some profile system that is robust, you are able to create profiles for all manner of capture techniques. You desire every screen capture to be automatically uploaded into a server or whether you only want to build following a menu is activated, a screen capture, you are able to make a Snagit profile to meet your goal. In addition to the highly customizable feature set, Snagit offers a built in editor for adding effects that are basic and annotating your screenshots. Snagit also has the capacity to easily capture images from items which can be larger in relation to the screen.

Wonderful Screenshot

Wonderful Screenshot for Chrome and Firefox is a browser-based extension that may record a selected element of a website, the portion visible in the browser window or even the entirety of the page in one go. Wonderful Screenshot contains a built in editor for blurring graphics and for adding annotations, shapes and pointers. In addition, it has options for keyboard shortcuts that are customizable. Images can be saved in .JPG or .PNG formats to a predetermined directory, or to Awesome Screenshot’s free cloud storage space.


Screenshots uploaded to several social media sites or could be saved in a variety of formats. With Fireshot’s internal editor you are able to add arrows, shapes or text, or draw on the image. Also, you can place your favorite external image editor to mechanically open when you take screencaps.

Nimbus Screenshot

Another good browser-based option is Nimbus Screenshot, accessible as a Windows desktop application, and on Chrome, Firefox. Images saved to clipboard or your drive might be printed out, or uploaded to cloud storage services for easy sharing.

Screenshot Captor

Screenshot Captor is a pretty feature-packed bit of freeware using a number of screen capture alternatives and a built in editing software. Users can take captures from the entire screen, active window, a selected area, or perhaps pull images from a scanner. From there, you are able to crop, rotate, blur, annotate, and implement other effects that are special. The app is also accessible an install- mobile variant that is free. Screenshot Captor is freeware, though you’ll need to sign up to the forum for a totally free license key of DonationCoder.


PicPick is an all-in-one screen capture and image editing application available free for private use. PicPick permits snapping a select window the whole screen or an area of the screen. It carries a pixel ruler, protractor and crosshairs for easy selection. A built in editor lets you add text annotations and arrows, shapes, as well as employ edits that are complex. Screencaps shared to social media, opened in an external editor, or may be saved to a file. Also, PicPick is a mobile application which can be held in a flash drive without requiring setup to plug and play everywhere.


Till wanted Lightshot is just another tool that lives primarily in your system tray. Only hit up a hotkey, and also the program will require a screencap of a selection, or the entire desktop. The app notes, comes with a mini editor for adding annotations and highlights, that exists just in the edge of the selection panel. Also, users can produce a complimentary account in order to upload their screencaps to printscrn.com, providing an online gallery for easy reference, link sharing and online back-up.


Greenshot is image editor and a lightweight screenshot capture application which comes with numerous suitable integrations and a built in image editor for annotations, obfuscating and highlighting sections of your screenshot. Otherwise, Greenshot sits in your system tray, where you could access and configure its settings.


MangoApps’ TinyTake is a versatile all-in-one image manipulation application, video recorder, and screen capture tool. Users can record entire windows or regions of the screen either as still photos, or as videos (with support for webcams), then annotate the resulting video or image with arrows, shapes, text, and special effects with the built in editor. You may also only use Tinytake to edit existing media files in your local storage. Images could be stored in an online cloud gallery for sharing and quick accessibility. The complimentary version is limited to 5 minute-long video captures, a 2GB online storage cap, and is advertising-supported, using a number of subscription plans adding storage and additional attributes, too as removing advertising.


Game Theory – An Introduction

Games are more significant than you think.

What’s your favorite game? Can it be a computer game or a board game? Perhaps you have stopped to consider how many games there are, and how often we play with them?

You’re likely acquainted with games like chess or Angry Birds, but what about gamification games?

Gamification means using games to get folks or solve issues. It’s prevalent, and it can be very useful.

The annual McDonald’s Monopoly game is an example of gamification. Customers are rewarded every time they purchase food or drinks. To get more pieces that are hidden and complete a set, they need to order meals that are larger or visit with more divisions.

By leveraging behavioral economics and design Gamification works. Only think about all the scenarios where points accumulate, where accomplishments are represented by badges, we are given a status by amounts, and leaderboards and scoreboards show how we compare with others.

Afterward there are grand challenges, which aim to solve particular issues. They offer prizes to the winners and ’re typically publicized. Occasionally they can lead to great discoveries or inventions. In reality, a grand challenge resulted in the establishment of our system of longitude in 1714.

Gamification provides excellent opportunities for companies and other organizations. It can even be essential for them.

Games can allow you to invigorate your brand, participate with customers and raise profits – only like the McDonald’s Monopoly. They are able to also inspire innovation and creativity within your firm.

The main thing that makes games essential, however, is their ubiquity. A study by TNS Global found that over 60 percent of people in the Western world regularly play with video or computer games. This is even more true for young people: about 70 percent of young children and toddlers play with them!

So if you need to link with people in our modern world, you’ve got to do it through means which you know will hook them in: games.

Common Cards in Clash Royale Rule

Everyone in Clash Royale seems to be focused on the Legendary Cards, like the upcoming Electro Wizard. Not me. I really enjoy playing decks with just Commons and Rares. No Elites. No Legendaries. Here is my current “go-to” deck that’s carrying me through the final arena.

  • Giant
  • Musketeer
  • Bomber
  • Spear Goblins
  • Rocket
  • Arrows
  • Valkyrie
  • Barbarians

The thing about Commons is that they’re easy and cheap to level up.

Here is a little more in-depth to several of the best common cards in the game.


The Archers are unlocked from the Training Camp (Tutorial). It spawns two single- moderate, target-ranged Archers with moderate hitpoints and damage that is low.

An Archers card costs 3 Elixir to deploy. They wield a bow and bear an aqua-blue/red (color depends on side of Arena) cape and an emerald green dress.

Archers are successful at supporting high hitpoint troops, like Giants. They can be used efficiently to counter low hitpoint troops like Minions, Spear Goblins, and Goblins. Put properly and with assistance from Crown Towers, they can additionally counter somewhat higher hitpoint cards just like the Mini P.E.K.K.A.

Archers might be countered with the defensive support of the player’s Crown Towers and also low hitpoint troops. Wait for the Archers to come to the player’s territory, then spawn low hitpoint troops to divert them. The Ice Spirit is excellent with this, as it survives one or two shots from your Archers, and suspends them, making them freeze in place for just 1 Elixir.

When facing a Baby Dragon it is possible to carve the Archers so when the Baby Dragon is targeting the first Archer, the quick Baby Dragon will enter the next Archer’s aggro range permitting the next Archer to target the Baby Dragon from a safer space, shutting it down. This technique also works using a Mini P.E.K.K.A.

Combined with the Zap, they can easily eliminate a Minion Horde, which may usually survive a Zap. Nevertheless, Spear Goblins really are a much better option for that as they result in a elixir advantage.

They can be similar to Spear Goblins since both are affordable ranged troops, but Archers have somewhat better stats in every manner except for 1 extra Elixir, for speed and quantity. As a result of Archers’ health and damage, they are better suited than Spear Goblins for defense. For example, Archers can survive one hit from your Baby Dragon, which allows for more damage.

Bomber (used in my deck!)

The Bomber is unlocked from the Training Camp (Tutorial). It’s an area damage, medium-ranged troop with damage that is average and low hitpoints. 3 is cost Elixir to deploy by a Bomber card.

The Bomber’s look looks similar to that of a Skeleton, the exceptions being that it carries a black bomb and wears a blue/red (colour depends upon the side of the Arena) cap with gold-rimmed pilots’ goggles.

The Bomber may be used as a defensive troop, having the ability to take Skeleton Army Skeletons, Goblins, and Spear Goblins out more efficiently than most other cards. Barbarians and archers take multiple hits for the Bomber to eliminate, so when engaging these targets with the Bomber, be sure to supply protection just like a Knight or a Giant.

It is also useful to protect high hitpoint troops against hordes of low health ground enemies, e.g protecting Giants against an opposing Skeleton Army. He has to be taken care of and if your Bomber is on his own, the player can execute a fast-drop to dispose with Goblins and Guards.

To do an instant drop, the Skeletons card must be selected by the player and pull them where they want them to go without releasing their finger. Then, the Goblins card must be selected by them by tapping on it. Ultimately, they need to drop the Skeletons first the Goblins. The Bomber will kill the Skeletons as well as the Goblins will take him out. Note that it is likely to perform a fast-drop with any two units while following this formula.

The Bomber cannot attack air units, making it vulnerable against Minions and flying troops. But when utilizing the Bomber the player can set protective troops such as the Baby Dragon or the Giant.

As a troop that was really light, the Bomber can be virtually shoved by nearly every other troop in the match. Particularly, Spear Goblins can shove the Bomber at their rate. Together they could engage targets of their range that is cozy, making for a fast ranged point- splash and target damage copy to your other troops over the river, or perhaps a fast and little Arena Tower push.

For only three Elixir, the Bomber deals solid damage per degree and is one of the cheapest counters to Barbarians due to his range. In reality, it takes a Bomber only three throws to kill same level Barbarians.

Though it has low hitpoints, it really is competent to live Arrows of a similar amount. Consequently, using any other spell as squandering a Lightning or Fireball Charm to damage a Bomber ends in an Elixir advantage for the opposition is a waste of elixir. The player must use either damage that is high or air troops / high troops that are hitpoint. He can be countered by the Log, nonetheless.

The Bomber can be utilized to take out reasonable hitpoint troops like Mini P.E.K.K.A.s if deployed correctly.

The Bomber is interchangeable with Wizard, according to the player’s preference and tactics.. The Bomber has a larger splash radius as opposed to Wizard, making him a more appropriate alternative to destroy hordes of ground troops. Nevertheless, he has less hitpoints and cannot assault air troops.


The Goblins are unlocked in the Goblin Stadium (Arena 1). It spawns three quick, melee Goblins with medium damage and low hit points and it costs 2 Elixir to deploy.

Goblins are powerful as a distraction for high damage single target troops, including the Prince and Mini P.E.K.K.A., offensively and defensively.

Wait for him to start charging when using it against Prince. Then, deploy Goblins diagonal to the centre facing him. This will probably not be unable to soak up the damage and also make it so that he must go an extended distance. Be sure when the Prince is near the tower that you deploy the Goblins. Otherwise, it’s going to start charging again, leading to a waste of Elixir.

They can be used as a damage dealing troop behind high hit point troops such as Golem, Giant Skeleton and the Giant. Several even the pair, a group of Barbarians, or Goblins set behind a Valkyrie can easily shove these slow moving high hit points troops right into the adversary’s Crown Tower. This blend has more than enough damage to kill the tower ahead of the tank troops are conquered, if not countered.

For merely two Elixir, significant DPS is added by the Goblins card to a player assault, or may be used on the opposite end to protect against an opponent’s assault. If given enough time, they are able to dispose of threats like Golem, a Giant, or tank that is similar. As there are only three of them, the Goblins will likely want some help, though.

Their damage and speed can induce an opposing player to make use of Elixir on quitting a group of Goblins. Goblins have low hit points so that they are easily killed by charms, for example The Log, Arrows, and Zap, taking under consideration the charms’ little duration to project, to lead the charms’ impact point.

An unsupported and un-countered group of Goblins will figure out how to acquire a single hit on the opposing Crown Tower of exactly the same degree. That is a very elixir-saving method of finishing off a low-wellbeing tower, assuming if they are ignored by your opponent, or the enemy doesn’t have the elixir and/or the troops to counter it.

With perfect time, you can encompass a splash damage troop just like the Wizard with the support of the tower with the Goblins. This provides you with an Elixir advantage to counterattack.

Goblins certainly are a cheap way to deal high harm to building -targeting troops, such as for example Hog or Giant Rider. Goblins can shove a Mini P.E.K.K.A., Barbarians or a Valkyrie if set behind them.

They certainly are a potential substitute in their opinion, and are quite much like Skeletons, offering stats that are better in every way but for 1 added Elixir. The Miner will act as a tank while the Goblins do most of the damage when combined using a Miner. This strategy is extremely affordable, fast, versatile, and certainly will be played frequently, surprising your opponent. For 5 Elixir, it could be damaging and extremely useful.

They could be used to great effect with the Hog Rider, by dropping them right next to him without defenses deflected him, and pushing him to the side of the Stadium. He continues straight for the tower, along with the Goblins can do major harm to the tower or the defense. This really is known as a “pig push”.

They may be the perfect counter for slow, feeble, or single -target components just like the Ice Wizard and Witch as they will demand too long to kill the Goblins and so will probably be overwhelmed.

Goblins can take the Princess to get a positive elixir business out if she is unprotected by the enemy troops.

Spear Goblins (used in my deck)

The Spear Goblins are unlocked in the Goblin Stadium (Arena 1). It spawns three single- objective, medium -ranged Goblins with very low and hitpoints damage. A Spear Goblins card costs 2 Elixir to deploy.

They resemble the normal Goblins, but are not shorter and thinner, have sharper elven ears and a six-pack, wear a blue/red bandana, have a spear-instance tied to their backs with a rope, and always have a wooden spear in their own hands. They share their outfit with Goblins.

Spear Goblins can be a good relief to higher hitpoints troops including the Giant.

If reflected behind a tank, Spear Goblins will supply protection (6 Spear Goblins will take out single-unit glass cannons or Minion Horde effectively) and also a strong push for the cost of 5 Elixir; if coupled together with the less expensive tanks for example Giant or Balloon, this is going to result in a near instant increase of just one Crown. This strategy continues to be very vulnerable of spawning troops between its support and the tank to the approach.

They may be used effectively to take down air troops including the Minions, Balloons, and Baby Dragons when they’re diverted. However, if the Spear Goblins are next to the tower, the Baby Dragon will take them out readily with 1 or 2 of its dab attacks with respect to the degree of the Baby or Goblins Dragon.

Spear Goblins really are an adequate defense for Towers against enemy air and earth Cards. As with other low hitpoint cards, the Spear Goblins can be readily removed by charms and troops that cope area damage, for example the Bomber along with Arrows.

The Zap is extremely powerful to remove fighting Spear Goblins, because of the enchantment’s identical Elixir cost of TWO. But, the player should really be careful about when they use their Zap, as the adversary send cards where the Zap would have been more appropriately used, such as for example a Goblin Barrel or Minions and may take advantage of this.

Because of the low Elixir cost, Spear Goblins are often disposable and can be utilized to block an enemy Prince’s charge. Spear Goblins may also be a more affordable alternative to the Archers.

The Spear Goblins are best used with high hitpoint troops set in front of those in association. For only two Elixir, the Spear Goblins may add high DPS and are not as vulnerable to splash damage when supported behind a tank as the Goblins for their range.

They are easily able to deal high injury to the opponent’s tower if Spear Goblins have anything in front of these. This can be not bad because most players are not willing to counter the Spear Goblins by themselves, allowing for rapid damage.

Spear Goblins are powerful as lures, air troop destroyers, or tower whittlers, nevertheless they truly are not powerful when used on offense. Spear Goblins are extremely similar to Archers in just about all stats, but Archers cost 1 more Elixir and are marginally better in every way (except speed and variety of troops spawned). When paired with all the Zap, for instance, they can easily defeat a Minion Horde.

Spear Goblins with the aid of Crown Towers can in fact take a Prince out. They should place the Spear Goblins 4 tiles to the facility and 3 tiles upward. When the Prince assaults the Spear Goblins the 2nd Crown Tower may also damage the Prince, taking him out.